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Brownfield Ag Programs on WSLM



WSLM is proud to bring the Southern Indiana and Kentuckiana ag audience programming they can use to make decisions in and out of the field.

Tune in during the day for these great ag features:

Commodity and Livestock Programs

  • Morning Livestock Report – A quick review of cash cattle and hog prices along with reasons behind the price moves, not just numbers, but the why’s too. Reports of boxed beef and pork carcass cutouts are included. An in depth look ahead as to what is expected in the market today.6:05 a.m., 3 1/2 min, Mon-Fri.
  • FarmBreak: Hog Market – An early look at what to expect in the day’s hog trade.   Includes overnight trading prices from the Chicago Board of Trade. 8:45 a.m, 2 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Opening Livestock Report – More detailed report on terminal markets, including reports from private sources and interior sales; pre-open call on the Chicago Board of Trade; and early trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. 9:15 a.m., 3 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Midday Livestock Report – An in depth round-up of all the morning cash livestock news. Background on why the markets are doing what they are doing and news affecting the market. Feeder auction reports from the major livestock markets, not just numbers, but what demand was like and what are feeder buying and why. 12:05 p.m., 3 1/2 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Chicago Board of Trade Open – Initial prices on grain futures as trading begins, along with summary of factors affecting trade. 9:30 a.m., 3 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Commodity Update – Midday review of trading on futures markets. 12:15 p.m., 2 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Late Session Commodity Update – A look at late day activity on the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange an update on factors affecting the day’s trading. 2:45 p.m., 3 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Commodity Settlement – Final prices on the futures exchanges; a review of factors affecting trading; first word on government production, livestock and supply/demand reports; and major farm news of the day. Includes reports from market analysts. 3:45 p.m., 4 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Weekend Market Wrap – A weekly review and analysis of cash hog and cattle market sin the eastern and western corn belt, and cash cattle market sin the major feedlot areas of Nebraska, Kansas, Texas and Oklahoma. Includes summary of week’s activities on the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, while reviewing factors that might influence next week’s trading… as well as a review of the week’s hay market. 5 min, Saturday
  • Closing Farm Break – A quick look at the day’s commodity futures and livestock trade, featuring the latest analysis and prices. 4:10 p.m., 3 min., Mon-Fri
  • Final Commodity and Livestock Report – Exclusive analysis of the commodity market, the closing numbers from the Chicago Board of Trade and Mercantile Exchange, and the latest in livestock prices and analysis. 4:15 p.m., 4 min., Mon-Fri

News and Feature Programs

  • Agri-Business News – Brownfield offers two state-specific agribusiness news programs daily. The Morning Agri-Business program contains news and features pertaining to farmers and agri-business in Illinois, IndianaIowa, MichiganMissouriMinnesota, NebraskaOhio, South Dakota  and Wisconsin. In addition to news and features relevant to farmers and agribusiness in these states, our Mid-day Agri-Business program contains a state agricultural weather forecast and a review of cash livestock markets in the state. 4 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Ag Headline News – A concise review of the day’s top ag news from across the country and around the world. 2 min, Mon-Fri.
  • State Ag Headline News – Brownfield offers state agriculture headlines for IllinoisIndianaIowa,MichiganMissouri, MinnesotaNebraskaOhio and Wisconsin5:45 a.m., refeed 6:45 a.m., 2 min., Mon-Fri
  • Ag Weather Today – A look at the day’s agricultural weather picture. Soil Moisture, crop weather – weather impacting agricultural operations. 6:10am, 4 min, Mon – Fri
  • Healthy Living -Healthy Living is a radio program that answers consumer questions about agriculture; helping to address the growing divide between consumers and those who grow their food, fiber and fuel. For many years Brownfield’s product offering has included programs designed to bridge the gap between farmers and those who consume farm products. The goal of Healthy Living is to educate, not advocate. Instead of pushing the story Agriculture wants to tell, Healthy Living is produced with consumers interests and needs in mind. Healthy Living program topics range from food safety to heritage, heirloom and organic foods; from eating healthy on a budget to government food programs and obesity in America. This program also covers current legislation and issues as they affect the consumers’ choice and pocketbook.  6:25am, 1 1/2 min, Mon – Fri
  • Dairy UpdateA daily program focusing on the dairy industry. The program features dairy economists, new technology, markets and legislative activity that impact the nation’s dairy farmers. 5:40 a.m., 3 min, Mon-Fri.
  • FarmbreakA snapshot of prices and factors driving the market, from weather to government reports to cash movement and international news. Scheduled every half hour. 1 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Hoofbeat – Topics of interest to the horse owner. Basic care, disease prevention and other issues pertaining to the equine industry in the US for the owners of 1 or 2 horses to larger operations.6:20 a.m.4 min, Saturday.
  • Managing for Profit – Expert perspectives on running a profitable farm and using crop insurance, government programs and tools to help farmers market their crops; regular examination of the political environment; tax and legal information that will help farmers of any size find success in a changing marketplace. 6:35 a.m., 4 min, Mon-Fri.
  • Cyndi Young’s Two Cents – Farm Director Cyndi Young’s personal perspective on agriculture and rural life. Cyndi swaps her “news” hat for her “commentary” helmet and pulls no punches [Archive].5:50 a.m., 3 min, Mon-Fri.