Home WSLM NEWS Local News East Washington Providing Lunches and Bus Service During Closure

East Washington Providing Lunches and Bus Service During Closure


Earlier today, East Washington School Corporation announced they would be closing the middle and high schools for the next two weeks beginning tomorrow (August 20) after a staff member tested positive for Covid-19.

The corporation has made preparations to provide food and continued transportation for elementary school students who will not be affected. 

Families wishing to pick up meals for their middle and/or high school students may do so starting tomorrow, Thursday, August 20, 2020, at Door 30 of the Eastern High School Cafeteria.
This door is located right at the entrance to the high school parking lot.
Middle and high school students have or will shortly be sent a link for meal sign up. At this time the meals are only available for East Washington students. 
Due to short notice, you may also email ghopkins@ewsc.k12.in.us and leave your child’s name, grade, and the name of the adult(s) that will be picking up meals.
We will have more information for you at the pickup site.
The meals will be available from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 M-F through Wednesday, September 3, 2020. 
Superintendent Dennis Stockdale noted that details cannot be released due to HIPAA laws, the school is taking precautionary steps to ensure the safety of the students.
“I want to ease your minds,” he wrote in a social media post earlier this evening. “Any students and parents of those students, who may need to quarantine at this point because they might have been a close contact, have been notified. If you have not been notified directly that you were a close contact, then you don’t have to do any more than what we announced. If anything changes we will let you know.”
East Washington Elementary will remain open and on its regular daily school operation for elementary students.
Buses will continue to pick up and drop off elementary students as normal.
Parents are asked to take note that in the afternoons, the buses will tentatively be on the road about fifteen minutes earlier than normal due to the middle and high schools being closed for two weeks.
The morning pick up times should stay close to what they currently are at this time.
“We appreciate your patience and understanding during these quick time adjustments. We will send out a reminder when we return the other two buildings to the East Washington campus and bus pick up schedule,” said Stockdale.