Home WSLM NEWS Local News Agriculture Hall of Fame Award Announcement Tuesday of the Washington County Farmers-Merchants...

Agriculture Hall of Fame Award Announcement Tuesday of the Washington County Farmers-Merchants Fair


The SWAG (See What Ag. Gives) Team invites all Washington County farmers and
agribusiness people to the announcement of the 2021 Agriculture Hall of Fame winner on
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 between the 4-H Dairy Beef and Wash. Co. Born & Raised Beef Show at approx. 6:00 pm in the livestock show arena.

Farmers and agribusiness people that RSVP with the Purdue Extension – Washington County office at 812-883-4601, check-in with the SWAG table near the show arena, and attend the Ag. Hall of Fame announcement will receive a $5 voucher to use anytime during the fair at one of the Livestock Producer Groups Concessions Stands, along with a coupon for a free ice cream from the Washington County 4-H Clover Creamery.

Vouchers and coupons are limited to the first 200 RSVP’s.

The SWAG Team hopes many will join them to honor a deserving Agriculture Hall of Fame recipient, enjoy delicious food, and support 4-H members as they show their cattle born and raised in Washington County.