Home WSLM NEWS Local News City of Salem Issues Boil Water Advisory

City of Salem Issues Boil Water Advisory


The City of Salem has issued a Boil Water Advisory Saturday morning after some pressure issues with the city’s system over the past few days.

This will remain in affect until the city notified the public it is no longer necessary.

There was no indication of how many customers this affected or it was for only certain customers.

Mayor Justin Green said the advisory is not mandatory but also asked residents to conserve water.

”We are also asking that you conserve water and only use what is necessary for household and personal needs,” said the Mayor.

“The precautionary measure is recommended because we are experiencing a drinking water problem within the service area,” according to a statement released just before 11a. 

Messages from the city have been received by customers most of last week about low water pressure north of Salem.

A message on Friday afternoon said issues were repaired followed a few hours later by another message about continued problems.

”After reviewing today’s water pressure, the City of Salem Utilities has decided with an abundance of caution that we should issue a boil water advisory for your drinking water,” the statement noted.

The city recommends that all cooking and drinking water be brought to a complete boil for five minutes before using.

”Please continue to boil all cooking and drinking water until we notify you that it is no longer necessary,” the statement reads.

“We appreciate your cooperation during this time and will update you as necessary until the drinking water problem has been solved”, the statement added.

If you have any questions concerning the drinking water problem, please contact the water department at 812-883-3937.