Home WSLM NEWS Local News Early Primary Voting Begins April 4

Early Primary Voting Begins April 4


The County Election Board voted unanimously on February 13 to have a Republican ONLY Primary for the 2023 Municipal Primary election that will be held Tuesday, May 2nd.

There was only one Democratic candidate that filed to run for the Primary election, according to Clerk Stephanie Rockey.

The lone Democrat, Paul L. Holsapple filed for City Council, District II, uncontested.

So under IC 3-10-6-4, and with consultation from the Indiana Election Division, the County Election Board voted unanimously to save the city and county money.

“We are aware this is a first in our county’s history of elections, according to election records that only a Republican Primary is being held, but the deciding factor was the cost savings to our taxpayers, “ said, County Election Board Secretary and Election Administrator Stephanie K. Rockey. 

“We just want to make sure that the voters are informed, mainly the Democratic voters,” she said. “It is strictly up to the voters of Salem on how they want to vote in the Primary, but they need to be informed that only a Republican ballot will be available.”

Concerned voters may call our Election and Voter Services Office at 812-883-5748 x1128 with any questions or concerns.

Rockey provided additional  important election dates:

  • Voter Registration ends at midnight on April 3rd.
  • Early Voting in our office starts on April 4th, 8am to Noon and 1 to 4pm Monday through Friday till Noon on May 1st.
  • Early Voting Saturdays are April 22nd and the 29th from 8-Noon.

Washington Superior Court will be open to the public for election night results and WSLM will be providing live election results. 

There is currently only two races to be decided during the primary and they are for Mayor and City Council District 4. 

Incumbent Justin Green filed to seek re-election and former State Representative and Senate candidate J. Davisson filed to oppose Green for the party nomination. 

In City Council District 4, incumbent Gail Napier will face off against Randy Lee Jr in the primary for the Republican nomination.

Tommy Brown III filed to run as a Libertarian party candidate but won’t be on the ballot until the General Election.

Sally Hattabaugh is seeking another term as Republican Clerk-Treasurer, Dan Libra is seeking another term as Republican City Council, District 1 member.

Dylan Moore is seeking a seat on the City Council District 2 seat while Holsapple is running as a Democratic candidate. 

Liberarian Tina Ransom will challenge the primary winner and Holsapple for the seat in the fall.

Steve Crane (R) will seek the City Council District 3 position unopposed. 

Newcomer and Republican Roger Pennington will seek the City Council At Large position unopposed.