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Palymra Man Dies at Hospital; Fentress Was Alleged Shooter
Ralph Thomas, the man who was shot in the head at his home in Palmyra, Indiana Wednesday morning, passed away on Thursday night.
Thomas was on...
WSLM Debut’s New PUMP PATROL Page On Web
WSLMRADIO.COM unveiled another community service this morning with its' new WSLM PUMP PATROL page.
"Our listeners are looking for the best gas prices around," said...
Boil Water Advisory for EWRC Lifted
Nathan Risen of East Washington Rural Water Corporation notified WSLM this morning that the boil water advisory in effect for most of the week...
Free Basketball Tickets TONIGHT Salem Students
Thanks to the generosity of Stanley and Colglazier's donation to the Washington County Community Foundation, students of Salem Community Schools will receive free tickets...